Completely minimize the exposure of your business activities
Alfa money insurance coverage
In today’s complex and intricate business world, it is impossible for an individual or a business to completely mitigate the possible dangers which lurk within day to day business activities.
The alfa money insurance agency’s product, “Credit Insurance”, aims to achieve exactly that, and attempts to locate every type of liability in order to assist the modern businessman in correct decision-making and in the activation of the necessary actions to avert an unfortunate event which will have a direct negative impact on the business’ financial situation
Alfa money insurance coverage
This is the insurance coverage of invoiced demands of the insured companies, which occur from the purchasing of goods or services on credit by customers/debtors and which happen during the day to day running of a business. The risks covered include non-payment of invoices/bills due to debtor insolvency.

Who we serve:
All Greek (having a Greek Taxpayer ID) Companies which report a credit turnover (either internal or export) of over 500.000€ within a credit period not exceeding 6 months.